
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Life is a mystery

Life is seriously a mystery..
Sometimes, u feel happy n sometimes u feel sad..
And lots of other emotions that will effect u based on ur environment..
That is why, humans need someone else to support them either physically, emotionally, based on what those people needs..
When we r born, we cried, n people around us also cried because they were extremely happy when they saw a new member of family came out to the world for the first time.
The same thing goes when we r not alive anymore which people called as death..
People cried too when we are gone..
Therefore, u start ur first day in the world with people crying out of happiness around u n u end ur last day of breath with people crying around u because of their sadness..
Sometimes, the sadness r not because u r sad of their loss..
Sometimes, u r sad because u don't spend much time with them until their last breath..
That is human.. And still it is a mystery.. A mystery of emotional feelings..
All mankind never show their truest feeling in their life..
They told u they love u, but they never show how much love that he got for u..
They told u it is the truth, but u never know either they r lying or not..
They told u that they promised and seal it with an oath, but will they seriously keep all the promises to u..
They told u they r happy, but deep inside their heart, u never know how much scars they held for a long time..
They told u they r emotionless, but u never know how much grudge they kept until one day u saw them with a lot of anger in their eyes..
And once again.. Human is full of mysteries.. U never know what they hide inside their minds n hearts.. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Lepasan SPM, PLKN, Pilihan universiti

Setelah sekian lama aku x bukak blog ni.. Dalam 3 tahun atau lebih mungkin.. meh.. aku nak bercerita pengalaman-pengalaman aku selama beberapa tahun menghilang nih.. haha.. lah sangat.. untuk info budak2 lepasan SPM ye..


Ni,, adalah untuk budak2 yang search pasal PLKN.. so now, aku nak bercerita.. Yup,, mmg, masa check, n dpt PLKN tu mmg la korang xnak.. korang xsuka.. tapi.. caya la dgan ap yg aku nak gtau ni.. Bila korang da hbis PLKN tu.. Korang mmg xnak balik. Lau dpt.. korang nak stay je kat situ sbb banyak pengalaman n kawan baru yang ko dpt kat situ, tapi orang lain xdapat.. Contohnya,, msti korang penah dgar kan pasal M16.. yes.. Senapang tah pape.. Benda tu.. bukan semua org dapat experience.. pegang senapang betul.. Pastu flying fox.. Mne ad benda free kat dunia ni.. Korang g PLKN free free je dapat naik benda tu. Lau g theme park ke ap,, nak naik flying fox tu berbayar tau x.. Pengalaman yang paling indah, bila korang bersama kawan2.. Bagi yg xpernah ddk asrama tu, ko rasa la mcm mana rasa ddk asrama.. Sekali lagi, xsmua org dapat rasa.. Ad bnyak benda lagi, tapi aku rasa better korang experience sendiri..

2) Pilihan Universiti, Kolej, Matrikulasi n bla bla bla

Yang ni, jangan risau.. Korang xdapat universiti awam tu.. melambak je tempat lain korang nak pergi.. Cuma korang xtau je nak apply apa.. So.. meh sini, aku nak gtau.. ap lagi yang wujud kat dunia ni tempat ko nak sambung study..
 1) Matrikulasi
2) Universiti Swasta, Kolej Swasta
3) MARA (untuk belajar kemahiran)
4) Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP)
5) Kolej Perubatan (Under Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, rujuk portal SPA)
6) Politeknik
Xde apnye nak takut.. Bukan xleh dapat kerja pun lau xmasok universiti awam.. Ikut pengalaman aku la.. Banyak jugak kawan2 yang bukan dari universiti awam ni ad je kerja. P, dengan syarat, pointer korang mesti tggi la.. Bukan sekadar cukup makan je.. Plus, lau ad kemahiran lagi.. mmg tip top la.. Ni sesetengah je yang aku gtau.. Jgn malas nak search.. Cari selagi yang boleh..

Aku rasa.. cukup sekadar ni info yang aku mmpu fikir dan mampu bagi.. Rajin-rajinla mencari k.. Ni sekadar perkongsian.. Korang nak terima ke x.. Ikut korang.. hehe.. Tu je..